Registration form


Registration and access to this site is free, but temporary disabled.

If You wish receive account for access to this site You should send e-Mail on address:
with following information:

  • e-Mail message field "Subject" should be named: REGISTRATION
  • First, Last, (Middle) name
  • Preferred account name
  • What kind of information You are expecting to receive on this site:
  •               e-Library (Books, Multimedia, etc)
  •               Software (Wallpaper System II, etc...)
  •               ...
  • Data calculation
  • Data store (experimental)
  • User name or its account name, who can confirm of Yours intentions, for site administrator to give account for You
  • e-Mail for answer

  • Students of "Tula State University" could specify group number and department without recommendation

    Yours right requests, site administration will be checking during one week (or more).